And, heres....dub

So, like here I am. A "Joe Average" guy - married for, well lets see... over (counts on his toes) 40 years. I guess I am a loyal husband, don't gamble, stay out all night, or have wild affairs (always looking - lol). Semi retired - as any freelance writer. I still support my family with the help of my bride. Oh, that reminds me, we have 8 grandkids. We live in a "Southern Living design" home on too much land. Have no real skeltons in the closet - well, nothing that isn't public record- if you can find it. Spent 30 years working for a quazi governmental company doing not so nice things; a long time to work in a job disliked. Now, in semi-retirement, I fancy myself a Christian writer, and I teach a couple of online writing and literature courses for a major Christian University. A visitor will often find me in the gym, the library, or pond side cooking a pig, a chicken, or whatever gets on the grill.
Importantly, I am using my retirement time in Physical Training, and am a certified personal trainer. I particularly enjoy Zumba and T'ai Chi. And, often speak to civic groups on the topic of personal health and fitness. Other than that, my job is to try to hold the house together during huricanes.
If you are interested in my writing, just use the links on the right side of this page. You are, of course, welcome to post a reply.